Konrad Jarodzki
Life and work
– born 31 XII in Zaklików (district: Kraśnik)
– learning at General School in Tomaszów Lubelski
– learning at Władysław Kunicki Lower Secondary and Secondary School in Lublin, final exams in 1948
– mathematical studies at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
– architectural studies at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology
– studies at the Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych PWSSP [State Higher School of Fine Arts] in Wrocław under supervision of, among others, Professor Eugeniusz Geppert; diploma in ceramic architectonic painting in 1958
– a designer in an architectural office Miastoprojekt [CityDesign], author of, among others, designs of point buildings on the ‘Pod Jaworami ’[Under Sycamores] estate in Krzyki and the so called ‘Czworaczki ’[Quadruples] at Józef Piłsudski Street (award ‘Mister of Wrocław’ in 1961)
– extensive creative activities in painting and drawing: the series Głowy [Heads], Portrety [Portraits] and Głowy rozdarte [Heads Torn] are created,
– participation in numerous exhibitions of the Wrocław School and Wrocław Group, including Wrocław, Lublin and Poznań
–distinction for participation in the I and II Wystawa Plastyki [1st and 2nd Fine Arts Exhibition] and Sympozjum Złotego Grona [Golden Grape Symposium] (1963 and 1965)
– first individual exhibitions in Wrocław, among others in Klub Dziennikarza [Journalist Club] (1964), Muzeum Sztuki Aktualnej [Museum of Current Art] (1967) and Muzeum Architektury [Museum of Architecture] (1969)
1967–1972– lecturer of geometry and artistic drawing in PWSSP [State Higher School of Fine Arts] in Wrocław
– artistic scholarship and exhibition in Vence, France (Michael Karolyi Foundation)
– participation in Sympozjum plastyczne Wrocław ’70 [Visual Arts Symposium Wrocław ’70] and Plener Ziemia Zgorzelecka [Plein-er Zgorzelec Land]
– participation in multiple collective exhibitions, such as presentations of Wrocław Group in Muzeum Śląskie [Silesian Museum] in Wrocław, exhibition Wrocław ’71 in Zachęta in Warszawa
– extensive creative activities, such important works are created as series: Przestrzeń [Space], Penetracje [Penetrations] or Brzemię [Burden]
– participation in dozens of individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad, among others in survey exhibitions of Polish art in Montreal, London, Baltimore, Munich, Caracas, Athens and Adelaide
– senior lecturer in Painting and Drawing Studio in PWSSP [State Higher School of Fine Arts] in Wrocław ran by Alfons Mazurkiewicz
– associate professor of PWSSP [State Higher School of Fine Arts] in Wrocław; after sudden death of Mazurkiewicz – a head of Painting and Drawing Studio in PWSSP in Wrocław
– president of Wrocław District of Związek Polskich Artystów Plastyków ZPAP [Association of Polish Artists and Designers]
– secretary of the presidium of the Social Committee of the Panorama of the Battle of Racławice and a member of its conservation team
– internment, prisons in Wrocław and in Nysa
– dean of the Faculty of Painting, Graphics and Sculpture at the PWSSP [State Higher School of Fine Arts] in Wrocław
– continuation of work on the series Przestrzeń [Space], Erotyki [Erotica] and first paintings from the Linea – bio series
– rector elect (veto the by minister of culture and art), deputy dean of the Painting, Graphics and Sculpture Faculty
– curator of the exhibitions and symposiums Droga i Prawda [The Path and the Truth] in the church of the Holy Cross in Wrocław
since 1986
– return to architectural activities, cooperation with Miastoprojekt [CityDesign] (Warszawa) and Archicom (Wrocław) companies, several rewards, including first degree ministerial awards for group designs and realisation of the Wrocław branch of Handlowy Bank (1995) and for the design of the Art Hotel complex in Wrocław (1999).
– post of an associate professor in PWSSP [State Higher School of Fine Arts] in Wrocław
– title of full professor
– rector of the Akademia Sztuk Pięknych [Academy of Art and Design] in Wrocław
– working on new series, among others: Kosmos [Cosmos], Etudes [Etudes], Światło [Light], WTC, Alfabet [Alphabet] and Ptaki [Birds]
2008 –2019
– individual exhibition; Nadchodzi [It`s Coming] in Muzeum Narodowe [the National Museum] in Wrocław (2008), Distorted Clarity in Chashama Foundation in New York (2013), Impulsy [Impulses] in mia ART GALLERY in Wrocław (2016), Pośród [Among] in mia ART GALLERY and in (–1) Gallery in Centrum Olimpijskie [the Olympic Centre] in Warszawa (2019)
– dies on 23 XI in Wrocław
– posthumous exhibitions in 66p and Geppart Gallery ASP [Academy of Art and Design] in Wrocław: Happy the End. Konrad Jarodzki, Paweł Jarodzki (2022) and Mrok czasu – światło przestrzeni. Twórczość Konrada Jarodzkiego [The darkness of time – the light of space. The work of Konrad Jarodzki] (2023)
– inauguration of the Konrad and Paweł Jarodzki Artist in Residence Programme in the ‘Krzyżowa’ Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe (2023).
Based on:
Marek Śniecinski, Konrad Jarodzki, from the series “Wrocławskie Środowisko Artystyczne” [Artistic Millieu of Wrocław]. Wrocław: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu, 2022.
© Copyright by the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, Wrocław, 2022